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Marking Zero Discrimination Day

Social Rights Alliance England

Today we join the Roma Support Group and Just Fair and many others to mark Zero Discrimination Day, highlighting the fundamental principle of non-discrimination.

We know that individuals, or specific groups of individuals, face structural and systemic discrimination. Today, we reflect on the UK’s legal commitments to ensure all people enjoy their rights without discrimination.

Just Fair

“Specific groups of people continue to face socio-economic inequality, often because of entrenched historical and contemporary forms of structural and systemic discrimination.

Non-discrimination and equality are fundamental to the exercise and enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights legally obliges the UK to guarantee that economic, social and cultural rights are exercised without discrimination of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Today we urge the UK Government to take concrete, deliberate and targeted measures to comply with this immediate and cross-cutting obligation.”

- Misha Nayak-Oliver, Campaigns and Advocacy Lead, Just Fair

Roma Support Group

“Just because of who they are, Roma have been relentlessly persecuted facing expulsions, slavery, genocide, apartheid and social exclusion.

As the lessons from their history have not been learnt, discrimination against Roma continues today.

We can end it together by saying NO to all forms of prejudice and discrimination while creating a more equal, humane and compassionate society.”

- Sylvia Ingmire, CEO, Roma Support Group

Social Rights Alliance

“We believe in the power of experience and the leadership potential of those who know first-hand the effects of social inequality and discrimination.

The support we provide brings together communities to campaign against burning injustices through a rights-based approach. The Social Rights Alliance is rooted in the idea that we should all be able to exercise our rights – the everyday rights we are entitled to which allow us to live in safety and dignity – equally and without discrimination.”

- Susanna Hunter-Darch, Social Rights Alliance England Coordinator

More information

To see Roma Support Group’s latest work visit the website here. You can see videos in which the treatment of the Roma community is discussed, including the videos Just Because of Who I Am and London for the Roma community. Roma Support Group’s YouTube channel can also be watched here. To find out more about Roma Support Group’s research, you can see its Hate Crime Project report here or for updates follow @RomaSupport on social media.

Just Fair exists to realise a fairer and more just society in the UK by monitoring and advocating for the protection of economic, social and cultural rights. Find out about Just Fair’s campaigns here and our research here. For more updates sign up to Just Fair’s monthly newsletter here and follow @JustFairUK on Twitter.

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