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Three people's hands linked together by holding the wrist of the next person

About Us

Rooted in people’s lived experiences, the Social Rights Alliance aims to empower rights-holders to claim their rights.


We believe in working for local change though solidarity, collaboration, inclusivity and respect.

What We Do
What we do
An illustration of 7 arms outstretched in a circle with the hands meeting in the middle

Reach Out

Building links in communities and identify groups and individuals that need to be heard.


An illustration of a group of people together looking happy with their hands in the air

Movement Building

Bringing people together to challenge shared issues and find new ways forward.



An illustration of wo people talking through tin cans connected by string


We use a range of tools to explore your local issues and develop an understanding of the structural barriers that need challenging.

An illustration of a lightbulb

Skills Development

Training and resources to help you gain new skills and feel confident to campaign for issues important to you.

An illustration of a graph


Exploring how local issues can be challenged through a rights-based approach and human rights legislation.

An illustration of a megaphone



Developing creative campaigns together to improve economic and social rights across the UK. 

The Social Rights Alliance is working closely with Difference NE in Newcastle, Sheppey is Ours! in Kent, The Wharton Trust in Hartlepool, Intisaar in Brent and SENsitive in Manchester. 


We are also part of the Growing Rights Instead of Poverty Partnership with RAPARATD 4th World - UK, University of Essex, and Amnesty UK. The project was previously called "Building a Human Rights Bridge out of Poverty, know as #RightsBridge.

Our History

The Social Rights Alliance has grown out of the work of Just Fair – a charity that works to ensure UK law, policy and practice complies with domestic and international human rights obligations.  At the moment, the SRA sits within Just Fair. As such, we have access to the skills and resources of the team and are part of its wider network.


The first Social Rights Alliance started in January 2019 in North East England and led to the recruitment of Just Fair’s first community organiser based in Newcastle. In July 2020 the Social Rights Alliance secured funding to develop as an England-wide initiative and also secured a second community organiser in Manchester. 2021 saw the launch of our first Community Researchers project bring together human rights activists from across England through an online action research project. 


The Social Rights Alliance is presently funded by the Tudor Trust.

Justfair's logo. The words 'Just Fair' sit diagonally in white on a navy blue background
The Tudor Trust logo. The words' The Tudor Trust' sit in green on a white background
Our History
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